Crate email_parser

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Parser for email address (addr-spec) as defined in Section 3.4.1 of RFC5322. This crate implements only a subset of the grammar and does not support folding white space and comments in email address. Also, the grammar rules that are defined to preserve backwards compatibility are not supported. The grammar implemented is described below:

; non-terminals
addr-spec        =  local-part AT domain
local-part       =  dot-atom / quoted-string
domain           =  dot-atom / domain-literal
atom             =  1*ATEXT
dot-atom-literal =  DOT atom
dot-atom         =  atom *dot-atom-literal
quoted-pair      =  BACKSLASH ESCAPE
qcontent         =  QTEXT / quoted-pair
quoted-string    =  DQUOTE *qcontent DQUOTE

; terminals
AT               =  "@"  ; @ character
OPEN_BRACKET     =  "["  ; square bracket open
CLOSE_BRACKET    =  "]"  ; square bracket close
DTEXT            =  %d33-90 / %d94-126
                         ; Printable US-ASCII characters not
                         ;  including "[", "]" or "\".
ATEXT            =  ALPHA / DIGIT / "!" /
                    "#" / "$" / "%" /
                    "&" / "'" / "*" /
                    "+" / "-" / "/" /
                    "=" / "?" / "^" /
                    "_" / "`" / "{" /
                    "|" / "}" / "~"
                         ; Printable US-ASCII characters not
                         ;  including specials. Used for atoms.
SPECIALS         =  "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / "@" /
                    "[" / "]" / ":" / ";" / "\" /
                    "," / "." / DQUOTE
                         ; Special characters that do not appear in
                         ;  atext. Useful for tools that perform
                         ;  lexical analysis: each character in
                         ;  specials can be used to indicate a
                         ;  tokenization point in lexical analysis.
BACKSLASH        =  "\"  ; \ (backslash)
DOT              =  "."  ; . (dot)
ESCAPE           =  VCHAR / WSP
QTEXT            =  %d33 / %d35-91 / %d93-126
                         ; Printable US-ASCII characters not
                         ;  including "\" or the quote character.
DQUOTE           =  %x22 ; " (Double Quote)

; inline
VCHAR            =  %x21-7E             ; visible (printing) characters
WSP              =  SP / HTAB           ; white space
HTAB             =  %x09                ; horizontal tab
SP               =  %x20                ; space character
ALPHA            =  %x41-5A / %x61-7A   ; A-Z / a-z
DIGIT            =  %x30-39             ; 0-9

Finite State Machine

The above grammar defines a Regular language. So, we do not need to construct a lexer and a parser. Email address as defined above can be parsed using finite automaton (or regular expressions also will do). In this crate, we construct a finite state machine (module fsm) and parse the given string into email address or fail and emit errors.

use email_parser::Email;
let email: Email = "".parse().unwrap();


  • fsm 🔒
    Email parsing is accomplished using a finite state machine. FSM is defined in this module. Finite automaton has several states and transitions. When iterator is completely consumed, if the state is a final state, then given string is valid email address.


  • This is the core of the crate. Defines email address type which can be constructed by parsing a string literal. As long as it is constructed properly, then it means the email address is valid.


  • Email parsing errors.